The LED marked Battery Status provides information on the Solo+ field unit's power level and its battery pack's state of charge.
You can determine their battery pack's status by comparing the color and number of flashes of its battery LEDs to the following table.
Table 1.
A low voltage state of charge on a Solo+ battery is often caused by inadequate solar-panel charging conditions. In most cases, this is caused by a dirty or improperly positioned solar panel.
Always check the following:
- Verify that the solar panel is pointing in the right direction (true north in the southern hemisphere, true south in the northern hemisphere).
- Ensure that the solar panel is clean. A light layer of dust can significantly reduce its efficiency.
- Do not install the solar panel where trees, structures, or anything else can cast shadows on it. The more direct sunlight to which the panel is exposed, the better the job it will do of keeping a battery properly charged.