Observant Global schedules and executes irrigation events through the web-based 'Schedule' applications on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
A Graphical, map-oriented user interface makes it easy to create irrigation schedules with reduced potential for error. Pumps and irrigation valves can be independently controlled to avoid the risk of pump deadheading against closed valve.
When it comes to executing an irrigation schedule, you have a few options:
- Timed start: This type starts automatically at a specific date and time, and can be set to repeat on a daily or weekly basis to meet your irrigation needs. However, it can also be started on-demand before the start time if needed.
- User activated: This type can be created without a specific start date and can be started on-demand at any time.
Colour coded interface makes it easier to understand the progress of the schedules at a glance. A field or item coloured light blue indicates a running item, dark blue indicates an item that's scheduled to run, green indicates one that has finished running successfully, red indicates an item that has failed to run for some reason, and grey indicates a paused schedule.
The suite of schedule applications are:
Schedules Overview
This interface includes a summary of all schedules that are in progress and planned, as well as those that have finished. From here you can
- create a new schedule,
- start a schedule on-demand any time after you have completed site checks,
- stop a schedule that's in progress,
- pause a schedule that's in progress,
- resume a paused schedule,
- skip an item in a running schedule,
- retry an item that has failed to run for some reason,
- cancel an upcoming schedule before it starts under the Planned view,
- delete a schedule permanently from the Finished view,
- re-use a schedule that has finished.
Clicking on a specific schedule occurrence in any of the three views - In Progress, Planned, Finished - will take you to the Live Schedule Viewer.
Live Schedule Viewer
The Live Schedule Viewer, as the name implies, shows you the live status of a specific schedule as well as more details about when it was created and modified. You can see a colour coded map view of the schedule, and the progress of the schedule with respect to the current time.
From the live schedule viewer, you can
- start a schedule on-demand any time after you have completed site checks,
- pause a schedule that's in progress,
- resume a paused schedule,
- stop a schedule that's in progress,
- skip an item in a running schedule,
- top-up a completed item in a running schedule,
- retry an item that has failed to run for some reason,
- cancel an upcoming schedule before it starts,
- delete a finished schedule permanently,
- re-use a finished schedule.
You can make changes to the schedule by clicking on Edit which will take you to the Schedule Editor.
Schedule Editor
The Schedule Editor is where you create and make changes to irrigation schedules. For a schedule that has already been created, you can
- rename the schedule
- change the duration of an item
- change the dwell time or overlap between items
- add new items to a schedule
- remove items from a schedule
- change the start date or time
- change the dates, frequency and number of occurrences for repeating schedules