Repeated Irrigation Schedules
The Schedule App now allows you to configure your Irrigation Schedules to repeat on a daily or weekly basis to meet your Irrigation needs. Set up your Irrigation Schedules once in the beginning of the season, and let the software automate your day to day Irrigation events. Repeated Irrigation Schedules can still be adjusted anytime as the operational requirements on your farm change.
Multi-season analysis now available
You can now view up to 5 years of data on Monitor, Analyze and Crop Manager for supported solutions. Two new date ranges are available for multi-season analysis - 2 years or 5 years.
Upcoming Domain Changes
We’re excited to let you know that we have started working on the next step of bringing Jain’s software offerings closer together. We will soon be moving all our applications to the domain. You don’t need to take any action, and Observant Global will continue to work seamlessly from your perspective. Any links or bookmarks you have saved will not be affected. This change is another step towards integrating our solution offerings, and making the use of our tools simpler and more intuitive for our customers.