Observant’s OpenLink API allows you to share your data with partners who support OpenLink integration. Your data is always private until you grant a partner access.
Only a user with Admin access will be able to enable data sharing.
Note that not all device types are supported for data sharing. Also note that it is a requirement for devices to have generated Monitor cards before their data can be shared. If a device does not have a generated card on Monitor, its status will be 'Not enabled' in the Data Sharing App (see section below for further details on Status). In this case, you will need to add the Monitor card first as described in this article.
Two Stage Setup of Data Sharing
Sharing your data from Observant Global is a two-step process:
- Enable sharing for a given sensor
- Enable an integration with an OpenLink partner
Step 1: Enable sharing for a given sensor
To select which data will be shared, go to Manage Portfolios.
In Manage Portfolios, click on SETTINGS to go to the Portfolio Settings page.
Under 'DATA SHARING' click on the edit button.
To select individual devices for sharing, click on 'Select'. Then click on the checkbox beside the device you want to share. This will change the device's status from 'hidden' to 'shared'. Then click Save to save the changes.
To enable data sharing for all the devices that are supported, click 'All'. Then click Save.
Step 2: Enable an integration with an OpenLink partner
Authorizing access to an enabled sensor can only be initiated from within the third-party OpenLink partner software. It differs depending on their product. Once you have enabled sharing, please consult the third-party vendors documentation for instructions on the sharing authorization setup. This cannot be initiated from Observant Global, or set up by Observant support staff. Contact your partner for assistance if needed.
The process will generally involve:
- Your accessing their software
- Requesting to link with Observant
- Logging in with your Observant account
- Granting permission to the partner’s software
How to revoke access to data
To stop sharing data for all your devices click on None. Then click Save.
To revoke access for individual devices, click on 'Select'. Then click on the checkbox beside the device you want to hide. This will change the device's status from 'shared' to 'hidden'. Click Save.
Device Status
There are 4 possible statuses for devices. These are described below.
Data from the device will be visible to OpenLink partners you integrate with:
Data from the device will not be visible to OpenLink partner you integrate with:
Not Supported
The device type is not supported by the API and data will not be visible:
Not Enabled
The device does not have a generated card on Monitor, and this is required first. In this case, you will need to add the Monitor card first as described in this article.
Supported Devices:
Supported Soil Monitoring Sensors
- Aquacheck
- Decagon GS3
- EnviroPro
- Sentek Drill and Drop
- Sentek EnviroScan
- Stevens Hydra Probe II
Supported Weather Monitoring Sensors
- Davis Rain Gauge
- Davis Weather Station
Supported Micro Climate Monitoring Sensors
- Decagon VP4
- Elekronik EE071
Supported Water Level Sensors
- Senix ToughSonic
Supported Flow Meters
- Seametrics AG2000
- Siemens MAG8000
Supported Pressure Sensors
- Schneider OsiSense
Observable Phenomena:
Soil Monitoring Sensors
- Soil Moisture
- Soil Temperature
- Soil Electro-conductivity
- Soil Salinity
Weather Monitoring Sensors
- Temperature (Air)
- Dew Point
- Humidity
- Solar Radiation
- UV index
- Rainfall Summary
- Wind Speed
- Wind Direction (5 Minutely Average)
- Gust Speed
- Gust Direction (10 Minutely Average)
Micro Climate Monitoring Sensors
- Temperature (Air)
- Dew Point
- Humidity
- Vapor Pressure
- Atmospheric Pressure
Water Level Sensors
- Percent Full
- Level From Bottom
Flow Meters
- Flow Rate
- Total Flow
Pressure Sensors
- Water Pressure