This release includes improvements to the Monitor, Locate and Crop Manager apps and also general fixes.
Monitor and Locate apps improvements
- Charts and sparklines will now more clearly indicate missing data
- Visual improvements to the chart axis labels and formatting
- Charts will now show the "from" and "to" date time period for the selected history range
- Fixes an issue where the chart’s Y axis labels sometimes gets hidden if it is too long
Crop Manager app improvements
- Crop Manager will now remember all of your chart settings by clicking on the "Save" button on the top right corner of the charting screen. The settings includes selected history range, fields added, and zoom region. The "Save" button will only be enabled when there is something to save. For example, if you change some of the settings (try zooming in on an interesting event), simply click the "Save" button. You may continue to work whilst the settings are being saved. The settings will be reloaded any time you are signed in as the same user and view that probe
- Crop Manager will no longer allow users to enter Google Maps' "Street view" mode
General fixes
- Fixes an issue where the user settings is not scrollable in mobile screen