All Portfolios must ensure they have at least one Admin user and that this Admin user is an appropriately chosen individual.
In order to make changes in a Portfolio to billing, Support Contact and User Access, each Portfolio will need at least one Admin User. This Admin user should be selected appropriately, such that there is not a risk that the user will become unavailable, ie. has left the company.
To this end, Observant Support recommend that each Portfolio has an Admin user that is at least one of the following :
- The owner of the business that the Portfolio corresponds to
- The individual responsible for paying Observant Global Subscription fees
Additionally, it is a good idea to ensure that the Portfolio's Support Contact also has an Admin Access Level. For information on how to set a user to Admin Access see Managing User Access Levels.
How can I check the Users in my Portfolio and their access levels?
Assuming you have at least 'Configure' access level yourself, you can view who has access and to what extent to your Portfolio by going to Manage Users.
What if my Portfolio doesn't have any Admin Users?
You will need to contact the Help Desk. For security and privacy reasons, Observant Support will ONLY provide Admin access after verification from the email registered with the billing details of the Portfolio's Observant Global Subscriptions Fees. You may need to ensure that you have registered your Billing Details, see Observant Global Subscription Fees.
Contact Help Desk to request a Chargify Billing Sign Up be sent to you.