Observant Global structures your system and data using Portfolios, Sites, Field Units and Devices.
Portfolios are generally a property, however they can be a group of farms or ranches, a single farm or a ranch, or even a part of a farm or a ranch.
This is the highest level of data group in Observant Global™ and is important as :
- Each Portfolio will have a single Payment Contact and is billed as a single invoice.
- User Access is managed on a per Portfolio basis
- If a User has access to a Portfolio, they have access to the entire set of sites and equipment within it.
A site represent a geographic location that contains one or more Field Units. For example, Northern Paddock, Top Tank, Main Bore, etc.
Field Units
An Observant C3 or Solo is a Field Unit. Essentially the power supply, brains and telemetry.
Devices are monitoring sensors or control equipment that are connected to a Field Unit. Soil Probes, Level Sensors, Pumps or Solenoid Valves are all examples.
If you have further questions about how Observant Global™ is structured, feel free to send your inquiry to the HelpDesk